Ramadan Nights: Iftar in the City

Ramadan Nights: Iftar in the City

RAMADAN NIGHTS: IFTAR IN THE CITY LOCATION: https://maps.app.goo.gl/8R2E1HSV5TBF3Rtt6 FOR RESERVATION: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ramadan-nights-iftar-in-the-city-tickets-1270757201999?aff=ebdssbdestsearch Come join us for a delightful evening of iftar in the heart of the city! Experience the magic of Ramadan as we gather under the open sky to break our fast together. Share…

 Annual Charity Sisterhood Iftar

Annual Charity Sisterhood Iftar

ANNUAL CHARITY SISTERHOOD IFTAR LOCATION: https://maps.app.goo.gl/oeJsfUDwRxXBhKSp6 TICKET: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/aaic-annual-charity-sisterhood-iftar-tickets-1273436596139?aff=erellivmlt The Annual Charity Sisterhood Iftar will be a heartfelt gathering aimed at bringing together all the girls in Columbus. This event is designed to strengthen our bonds of sisterhood, foster unity, and…

 Ramadan Eid Party

Ramadan Eid Party

RAMADAN EID PARTY LOCATION https://maps.app.goo.gl/W3mwauJgWXMmR41t6 FOR TICKETS https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ramadan-eid-party-tickets-1274540277279?aff=erellivmlt A Ramadan Eid Party in Ohio, designed to be family-friendly, sounds like a wonderful celebration! Here’s what such an event might entail: A Joyful Celebration: This means a safe and welcoming environment…

 Ramadan Event

Ramadan Event

Ramadan Event LOCATION https://maps.app.goo.gl/jjqDahMq3ksNcSSM8 TICKET https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sams-ohio-join-us-for-our-ramadan-event-on-friday-march-14th-2025-tickets-1258513500759?aff=ebdssbdestsearch FOR MORE INFORMATION www.sams-usa.net SAMS Ohio Chapter is delighted to invite you to our annual Ramadan event. To save your spot, buy your ticket today. Please pay by credit card (not PayPal). Free babysitting…

 Sisters Qiyam Night

Sisters Qiyam Night

Sisters Qiyam Night LOCATION: https://maps.app.goo.gl/Z8qhjXT66M1dtP177 REGISTRATION https://forms.gle/UKcTZ6bipsc6k26p8 Assalaam u Alaikum! We are very excited to host our annual Sisters’ Qiyam Night on March 14th.Join us as we engage in worship, discussion, and build connections with each other and Allah. We…

 Janazah workshop, Graveyard trip and Iftar

Janazah workshop, Graveyard trip and Iftar

FIRST EVER ONLY SISTERS JANAZAH WORKSHOP, GRAVEYARD TRIP & IFTAAR LOCATION: https://maps.app.goo.gl/htV9tq3WC49ZAZzv9 SIGN-UP/RSVP https://docs.google.com/…/1QwROT7AEJRetlmuXU47f…/edit… AsSalaamu Alaiykum wa Rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu Sisters, This announcement about JCS hosting a sisters-only Janazah workshop, graveyard trip, and Iftar is significant and addresses a crucial…

 Eid Gift Drive for Refugee Children

Eid Gift Drive for Refugee Children

EID GIFT DRIVE FOR REFUGEE CHILDREN LOCATION: https://maps.app.goo.gl/NHeVsjYBRAP2x71s7 Ansaar Services + ICNY + Al Falah Academy Eid Gift Drive for Refugee Children! We extend a warm invitation to everyone to participate in this cause. Don’t miss the chance to contribute…

 Chicagoland Youth Iftar 2025

Chicagoland Youth Iftar 2025

YOUTH IFTAR 2025 LOCATION: https://maps.app.goo.gl/2myskDuoZ7ydAzMz5 FOR REGISTRATION: tinyurl.com/chiyouthiftar This is more than just a gathering, it’s a beautiful collaboration between multiple masajids across Chicagoland, coming together to foster unity, spirituality, and connection. Join us for an evening of faith, fellowship,…

 Race to Jannah

Race to Jannah

RACE TO JANNAH LOCATION: https://maps.app.goo.gl/G3Y2fbxQm7sLp5mb6 Donate today at mcabayarea.org/donate Race to Jannah – Support Your Masjid! “Who is he that will loan to Allah a beautiful loan, which Allah will double unto his credit and multiply many times? It is…

 Food Drive

Food Drive

FOOD DRIVE LOCATION: https://maps.app.goo.gl/A5U619N7QjsYypwa6 Purpose and Importance: Types of Food Drives: Key Considerations: In essence, food drives are a powerful tool for addressing food insecurity and promoting community well-being.