Register your children (ages 5-12) for OREF’s Winter Camp! We will have lots of fun crafts, activities and games planned to keep your children busy this winter break. Register per week! The camp time is 10 am – 4 pm.
Week 1: 4 days of camp for $120. Dec. 23rd – 27th — we will not be open on December 25th.
Week 2: 6 days of camp for $180. Dec. 30th – Jan. 6th.
That’s right, only $30 per day of camp! You may NOT pay per day. You must commit to the week you register for.
See our camp policies for refunds, behavior policies and more.
Lunch will NOT be provided, so please send your children with a packed lunch and labeled water bottle.
Our teachers are background-checked and experienced in childcare. We have at least one CPR certified staff on hand at all times.